HSC Result 2023 by Mobile SMS. HSC Result 2023 today has been published by the Authority. You can easily H.S.C exam Result 2023 find the official website. Otherwise, you can also find HSC Result 2023 on our website dailyhotjobs.com. We tend to square measure publish Bangladesh Education Board HSC Result in Full Mark Distance variety 2023. When a publish HSC results in 2023 also publish all subject variety results step by step. All scholars seek HSC Result variety with Mark Distance 2023. You’ll Visit the All Education Board functionary website or the Education Board functionary websiteeducationboardresults.gov.bd.
According to sources, the chairman of all the education boards will present the summary to the prime minister at 10 am in the presence of the education minister on the day the results are released. The results will be officially announced at a press conference at noon. Due to the Corona situation, the Prime Minister will be virtually involved in the release ceremony.
Due to Corona in December last year, HSC and equivalent examinations of 2023 were taken in a short syllabus. 13 lakh 99 thousand candidates took part in HSC and equivalent examinations. Although the results were supposed to be released in the last week of January or the first week of February this year, the evaluation of the accounts of various centers outside the country was delayed. According to the Board of Education, the results have been prepared by removing all the complications. See more HSC Exam Routines.
HSC Result 2023 by Mobile SMS
The Education Minister said the results of the HSC/ Alim examination would be handed over to the Prime Minister at 10.00 am. The HSC Result 2023 was published at 11.00 AM on 26 November 2023. Full results will be published at 11:00 PM on the sanctioned website www.educationboardresults.gov.bd. You can fluently and snappily see results directly from our website. We give different sorts of job data with additional effective data or resources and job tips that help to urge employment simply. we have a bent to trust that our distributing knowledge helps the activity searchers United Nations agency find superior employment. Our likewise share aslope assets for learners unambiguously United Nations agency is re-expanding their insight. Our principle target turns into a sure occupations spherical website in an Asian country by distributing a true refresh that allows joblessness to people. All the roles on this website aren’t for discharged folks but also for used folks.
Below of HSC Result News
Get Your HSC Exam Result 2023 in many other different ways-
- Check HSC Result 2023 Online
- HSC Result 2023 by EIIN Number Full Institute
- Check HSC Exam Result 2023 by SMS Method
- HSC Exam Result 2023 by Android Apps
How To Check HSC Result in 2023 By SMS:
HSC Result 2023 by SMS. Most Students Use Mobile Phones. This way quickly and easily all Students Comfortable feel with this System. Bangladesh all mobile operators quickly deliver Education Board Results. SMS method will cost 2.38 taka per SMS.
Example :
SMS Format For 8 (Eight) General Board (SSC)
HSC <Space> First three letters of Board name <Space> Roll No. <Space> 2023 and send to 16222
For Example: HSC COM 152675 2023 and send to 16222
SMS Format For Madrasah Education Board (Alim)
Alim <space> MAD <space> Roll number <space> 2023 and Send To 16222
For Example: ALIM MAD 197772 2023 and send to 16222
SMS Format For Technical Education Board
HSC <space> TEC <space> Roll number <space> 2023 and Send To 16222
For Example HSC TEC 1428520 2023 and Send to 16222
See HSC Result in 2023 SMS Format For All Education Board
- HSC DHA 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Dhaka Board
- HSC BAR 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Barisal Board
- HSC COM 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Comilla Board
- HSC CHI 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Chittagong Board
- HSC DIN 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Dinajpur Board
- HSC JES 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Jessore Board
- HSC RAJ 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Rajshahi Board
- HSC SYL 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Sylhet Board
- Alim MAD 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Madrasah Board
- HSC TEC 876567 2023 and send it 16222: For Technical Board
HSC Result Number With Mark sheet 2023
HSC Exam Result Mark Sheet and range 2023. This year HSC test passing % & total C-GPA five each are increasing. HSC Result range Mark sheet 2023. HSC test Result 2023 in Bangladesh at Education Board Result published on the official website computer network. educationboardresults.gov.bd. baccalaureate HSC test Result range Mark sheet 2023 revealed on 07 February to 09 February at 12 pm. range with Mark sheet HSC result 2023 Bangladesh All Education Board-Dhaka, Comilla, Dinajpur, Barisal, Chittagong, Jessore, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Madrasah, Technical, DIBS (Dhaka). Check your HSC Result 2023 range with a Mark sheet.
Get All Education Board Results
Dhaka Board HSC Result 2023
The Dhaka Education Board prepares the HSC results of all the institutions under the Dhaka Board. As Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, this board includes the country’s renowned educational institutions. Moreover, the HSC students of the Dhaka Board are also much smarter and more intelligent than other boards. So in terms of HSC results and in the list of GPA-5 recipients, the name of the Dhaka Board comes first. In this case, there is a lot of tension among the candidates and their families regarding getting the HSC results from the Dhaka Board. So, the way you will get the HSC result of the Dhaka Board is highlighted below.
How to get Dhaka Board HSC Exam Result?
1: Visit http://result.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd/app/.
2: Click on HSC/HSC/JSC/Equivalent Result.
3: Select your Examination as HSC/Alim, Year as 2023, and Board as Dhaka.
4: Select Result Type as Individual Results. That means searching a single HSC exam result by roll & registration number. So type your roll and reg number.
5: You might see an item named Security Key that has some alphabets in an image. In this case of security, type the exact alphabet as an image.
6: After fulfilling all options, click on the Get Result button. If your requested results are available, then you will get your Dhaka board’s HSC result 2022 on your Computer/Mobile screen.
Chittagong Board HSC Result 2023
The Chittagong Board is another largest education board in Bangladesh in terms of HSC results. So the bigger the scope of the board, the more competition there is with HSC result 2023. The board publishes HSC results on its own website with full subject-wise marks of a written part and MCQ numbers.
How to get the Chittagong Board HSC Exam Result?
Firstly visit the CTG board’s official website, https://web.bise-ctg.gov.bd/bisectg.
Then, click on the Result (Institute/Individual) or HSC Result 2023 in the Sokol E-Seba section.
After that, you will see two options for searching Chittagong board HSC results in those are Institute and Individual search by the roll.
Next, you can search your CTG HSC result by roll number.
Print your results if you want.
Rajshahi Board HSC Result 2023
The Rajshahi is another name for an education city. Because Rajshahi Board is the most advanced in terms of HSC or almost all education rates. Therefore, the efforts of the Rajshahi Board of Education are incomparable. Due to being ahead in terms of education rate or HSC result, the result of the Rajshahi board is also seen more by the candidates and their families. So the HSC results of the Rajshahi Board can be found on their official website.
How to get the Rajshahi Board HSC Exam Result?
Open the link http://rajshahieducationboard.gov.bd.
Then, go to the Folafol section and click on it. It will redirect you to the HSC result website.
Next, click on HSC where you want to go.
Then, provide all the information related to your HSC exam and search for the results of the Rajshahi board.
Finally, you can get the Rajshahi board HSC exam result 2023.
Barisal Board HSC Result 2023
The candidates of the Barisal board can get HSC results from their official website along with board results. The board has the ability to provide the Barisal board HSC result in 2023 with their database. So it is a nice opportunity for its students. In this case, if the education board website gets down, then anyone can see results on the Barisal board’s result page. So in this section, we are sharing the only method for getting Barisal Board HSC Result 2023.
How to get the Barisal Board HSC Exam Result?
1. visit http://www.barisalboard.gov.bd.
2. Then find the “HSC – 2023 Result Search (Marks)” section.
3. After that, type your roll number and click on search.
4. Then the result & details will appear on you.
Comilla Board HSC Result 2023
The good news for all HSC candidates of the Comilla board is there is also an alternative to get results. So candidates can easily get their results maybe before other boards. So in the case of the HSC result in 2023, the Comilla board is better than some other boards.
How to get the Comilla Board HSC Exam Result?
Visit the Comilla board’s official website https://web.comillaboard.gov.bd/bisecb.
Then, go to the HSC Corner under the Sokol E Sheba.
After that, you can see the HSC 2023 Result in the Bangla title. So click on the title to get the Comilla board HSC result search option.
Next, a new webpage will open with a result search option. Now search your Comilla’s HSC exam result for 2023 easily.
Learn more details about Comilla Board HSC Result 2023.
Dinajpur Board HSC Result 2023
The Dinajpur Board is one of the new boards. The activities of this board started in 2006. So the Dinajpur Board is trying to improve the educational activities and H.S.C results. All information and the method of getting the S S C result of Dinajpur Board in their website.
How to get Dinajpur Board HSC Exam Result?
Get H.S.C results by visiting http://dinajpureducationboard.gov.bd.
Then click on Folafol at the top menu.
After that, you can check the Dinajpur board HSC result in 2023 with the regular method.
Jessore Board HSC Result 2023
The other education board is Jessore. All HSC exam candidates of the Jessore board can get results online. The process of getting Jessore board HSC result 2023 is given below. In addition, if you have any problem with the Jessore board HSC result, then you can get a solution from their website.
How to get Jessore Board HSC Exam Result?
In order to get the HSC GPA mark sheet, visit https://www.jessoreboard.gov.bd.
Then find the “HSC Result 2023” link from the least sidebar’s Our Services section.
After that visit the link.
Up next you can get the result search option. Search your result with your exam information like roll, registration, and passing year.
Sylhet Board HSC Result 2023
HSC result in 2023 and related all issues you can find from Sylhet boards website. So this is the benefit of Sylhet boards H.S.C exam candidates.
How to get the Sylhet Board HSC Exam Result?
Visit https://sylhetboard.gov.bd.
Then click on Exam Result from the sidebar menu.
After that, a new page will open with education board results.
Next, provide all your information and you can get the Sylhet board HSC exam result.
Mymensingh Board HSC Result 2023
The Mymensingh is the latest board of education in Bangladesh. This board started its activities in 2017. But the first HSC exam was in 2018. One of the objectives of this board is to improve HSC results and the quality of education. This board publishes H.S.C results on its own result publication system.
How to get the Mymensingh Board HSC Exam Result?
Firstly visit http://www.mymensingheducationboard.gov.bd.
They include all their services in the sidebar menu. So click on HSC Result 2023 from there.
Now a new page will open. On there type your roll number and hit the search button.
You will get your Mymensingh board SSC Result.
Alim Result 2023
Another equivalent exam of HSC is Alim. Actually, it refers to the Madrasah board higher secondary exam. Since the people of our country are religious, a large number of students read in Madrasahs. This year, about 1.91 lakh students of Madrasa Board have participated in the Alim examination. So all Alim candidates are expecting their results. In case of getting Alim result 2023, we are sharing the method. Alim result 2023 is available on the Madrasah Board website and the Education Board website. You can get your Alim result from the Madrasah board website. Learn more about Alim Result 2023.
How to get the Madrasah Board Alim Exam Result?
In order to get the Alim result, you have to visit http://www.bmeb.gov.bd/ or http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd.
In addition, the best website for Alim result 2023 is https://eboardresults.com/app/stud/.
So after visiting any of these websites, you can see an option to search your results.
Provide all your Alim exam information and get Alim/Madrasah results easily.
Vocational Result 2023
The Vocational is also the equivalent exam of the Secondary School Certificate. Clearly Vocational is the Technical Education Board’s Secondary School Certificate exam. There are many students who are interested in technical education. So every year a large number of students participate in Vocational exams. In 2023, about 1.31 lakh students participated in the Vocational exam. The technical board’s HSC result quality is high. So every H.S.C VOCATIONAL candidate is curious about their VOC result in 2023. Learn more about Vocational Result 2023.
How to get Technical Board Vocational Exam Result?
BTEB processes the Vocational result and then hands it over to the Education board. So everyone can get the Vocational result from the Education Board site.
Visit http://www.bteb.gov.bd.
Then click on HSC Porjay Rejalt at the top menu.
After that, you will be redirected to the education board site.
Next, search your result by using your Vocational exam information.
HSC Exam Result 2023 SMS
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